7. ekimena

John Frederick LEWISen grabatua “Zumalicarregui and the Christino Spy”. Frederick Christian LEWIS eta Charles George LEWISek grabatua, 1841.
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John Frederick LEWISen grabatua “A Spy of the Christino Army brought before the Carlist General-In-Chief Zumalacarregui”. Frederick Christian LEWIS eta Charles George LEWISek grabatua, 1841. 156.7 KB 2022/07/28 16:21  
J.F. LEWIS. “The Harem of a Mamluke Bey, Cairo” 1850. Victoria & Albert Museum. London. 185.3 KB 2022/07/28 16:23  
J.F. LEWIS. “Richard Ford and J.F. Lewis on a shooting excursion”. 1833. Xehetasuna. 238.5 KB 2022/07/28 16:25  
Lewis's sketches and drawings of the Alhambra made during a residence in Granada in the years 1833-4. 130.3 KB 2022/07/28 16:27  
Lewis's Sketches of Spain & Spanish Character made during his Tour in that Country in the years 1833-4. 68.1 KB 2022/07/28 16:28  
J.F. LEWIS. “A Spy of the Christino Army brought before the Carlist General-In-Chief Zumalacarregui”. 585.4 KB 2022/07/28 16:33  
J.F. LEWIS .“Spanish Battle Scene: The Proclamation of Don Carlos.” 1.4 MB 2022/07/28 16:34  
J.F. LEWIS .“Spanish Battle Scene: The Proclamation of Don Carlos.” 1.1 MB 2022/07/28 16:36  
J.F. LEWIS. “The Pillage of a Convent in Spain, by Guerilla Soldiers”. 72.7 KB 2022/07/28 16:40